
Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy & Commitment Statement
The Magna Family of Companies, inclusive of all its Groups, Divisions and affiliates (collectively “Magna”), fully supports the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all of its operations. In accordance with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) and the Ontario Human Rights Code, Magna strives to conduct its business in a way that is accessible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of persons with disabilities.
The purpose of this document is to describe Magna’s policies governing how the organization achieves or will achieve accessibility through compliance with AODA and, in particular, the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (“IASR”). This policy identifies what Magna will do in order to achieve accessibility as an organization.
Commitment Statement
Magna is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in an effective and timely manner by preventing and removing barriers for persons with disabilities in accordance with the IASR. Magna’s goal is to foster an inclusive organizational culture that is guided by the principles and requirements of the AODA, the IASR and the Code.
Accessibility Policy & Commitment Statement
This policy is posted on Magna’s website in an accessible format. Upon request, Magna will provide a copy of this document in an alternative accessible format.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Magna has developed and will maintain a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (the “MYAP”) that sets out Magna’s strategy for preventing and removing accessibility barriers from our workplaces and meet its requirements of the IASR. The MYAP will be reviewed and updated at least once every five years.
The MYAP is posted on Magna International Inc.’s website in an accessible format. Upon request, Magna will provide a copy of the MYAP in an alternative accessible format.
Self-service Kiosks
If Magna procures or acquires self-service kiosks in the future, we will have regard to the accessibility for persons with disabilities and ensure that the kiosks incorporate appropriate accessibility features.
Magna will provide training to all of its employees, volunteers, persons who participate in developing the organization’s policies, on the accessibility standards referred to in the IASR and on the requirements of the Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities. Training will be provided as soon as practicable. Training will also be included as part of orientation for all new hires. The training provided will take into consideration and be appropriate to the duties of those receiving the training.
Records of the training provided will be maintained and will include: (i) the dates on which training was provided and (ii) the number of individuals to whom training is provided.
Information and Communications
Feedback: Magna will continue to ensure that its processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing, or arranging for the provision of, accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
Magna will advise the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports with respect to its feedback processes through a notification on the Magna International Inc. website.
Accessible formats and communication supports: Upon request, Magna will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities in a timely manner that takes into account each person’s accessibility needs due to disability and (if applicable) at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
Magna will consult with the person making the request for an accessible format or communication supports when determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication supports.
Magna will continue to advise the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports with respect to its feedback processes on the Magna International Inc. website.
Accessible websites and web content: Magna will ensure that its websites, including web content on such site, conforms to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at Level AA, except where meeting
the requirement(s) is not practicable.
Assistive Devices
Magna welcomes all persons with disabilities who use assistive devices.
Use of Service Animals and Support Persons
Persons with disabilities may bring their service animal or support person in order to access our facilities. Unless otherwise excluded by law, such persons may keep their service animal or support person with them at all times.
Magna will
ensure that all employees are trained on how to interact with persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal or support person.
Magna's accessibility policies governing the use of service animals are available in accessible
formats upon request.
Notice of Temporary Disruptions
Customers and third parties will be notified of planned or unexpected disruptions to any assistive facilities or services used by persons with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reasons for the disruption, how long the disruption is expected to last, and whether any alternative facilities or services are available.
Magna is proud to have a diverse workforce, with a safe, inclusive and accessible work environment. The Company’s policies and practices are intended to foster diversity, inclusiveness and accessibility in the Company, while ensuring that the workplace is free from discrimination and harassment.
Recruitment: In our recruitment processes, Magna will advise employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities.
Recruitment, Assessment or Selection Process: Magna will notify job applicants, when they are individually selected to participate further in an assessment or selection process, that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used.
If a selected job applicant requests accommodation relating to their participation in the hiring process, Magna will consult with the individual and provide or arrange for the provision of suitable accommodation that takes into account the applicant’s disability-related needs.
Notice to Successful Applicants: When making offers of employment, Magna will notify successful applicants of our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
Informing Employees of Supports: We will notify our employees of Magna’s policies (and any updates where there is a change to those policies) for supporting employees with disabilities, including our policies regarding the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability. This information will be provided to new hires as soon as practicable after they commence employment.
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees: If an employee with a disability asks for information in an accessible format or to receive communication supports, Magna will consult with the employee to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information that the employee needs to perform his/her job, as well as information that is generally available to other employees.
In determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication supports, Magna will consult with the employee making the request.
Workplace Emergency Response Information: Magna will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees with disabilities where the disability is such that individualized information is necessary and Magna is aware of the need for accommodation. Magna will provide workplace emergency response information as soon as practicable after learning of the need for accommodation due to an employee’s disability.
Where an employee who receives individualized workplace emergency response information requires assistance, Magna will designate a person to provide assistance and, with the employee’s consent, Magna will provide the workplace emergency response information to such person.
Magna will review individualized workplace emergency response information, at minimum, whenever:
- the employee moves to a different location within Magna;
- the employee’s overall accommodation needs or plans are reviewed; or
- Magna reviews its general emergency response policies.
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans: Magna will develop and maintain a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities.
If requested, information regarding accessible formats and communication supports provided will also be included in individual accommodation plans. Additionally, the plans will include individualized workplace emergency response information (where required and in accordance with the Workplace Emergency Response Information Standard). Plans will also identify any other accommodation that is to be provided.
Return to Work Process: Magna will develop and maintain a documented return to work process for its employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and who require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work.
The return to work process will outline the steps that Magna will take to facilitate the return to work and will include documented individual accommodation plans.
Performance Management, Career Development and Advancement: Magna will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when conducting performance management, or
providing career development and advancement to employees.
Feedback Process
We welcome your comments and feedback. If you have feedback regarding the way Magna provides goods, services, and facilities, or you would like to share your thoughts regarding the Company's AODA policies, practices and procedures, please
contact us at: AODA@magna.com
Magna will continue to ensure that its processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing, or
arranging for the provisions of, accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
Complaints will be addressed as quickly as possible. Customers and third parties can expect acknowledgement of feedback within five business days.
The acknowledgement will indicate when the matter will be addressed and when the customer/third party will be notified. Magna will follow up with any required action within the timeframe noted in the acknowledgement. Every effort
will be made to provide the response in a format that is accessible to the person who provided the comments.
Questions?: If you have any questions or would like more information on Magna's accessibility policies or
any other AODA related matter, please contact: Matthew Tam at AODAhelp@magna.com Tel: 905-726-7476