Für Eltern

For parents

For young people, choosing the right career and then looking for a job is an important step. This often raises many questions for you as parents as well.

What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?

What are their interests? In a constantly changing world of work, what professions show promise going forward?
It is not always easy finding an apprenticeship that matches your daughter’s or your son’s skills and is also fun. To help you make an informed decision together with us, we would like to provide you with the following information. After all, the match between your child’s ideas and personal qualifications and the professional requirements of the training determine very much what is the right apprenticeship for your child.

We will answer all your questions – and provide you with some insight into our apprenticeship programs, the application process and day-to-day working life at Magna.



What school-leaving qualification is required for an apprenticeship at Magna?

Precondition is the completion of 9 years of compulsory schooling. What type of school is secondary.

Is a particular grade point average necessary?

No, no specific grade point average is required. However, success at school is also an initial indication of the student’s attitude to learning and a willingness to perform.

What skills and interests does a Magna apprentice need to have?

Interest and joy in technology, diligence and accuracy, logical reasoning, technical imagination, concentration and perseverance.

What are the working hours for apprentices?

Monday–Friday: 6:00 AM–2:12 PM.

What work clothing is required?

Work clothing is provided by Magna. Apprentices receive a pair of safety shoes, three pairs of pants, six T-shirts and two jackets on the first day of their apprenticeship. The company will take care of cleaning the clothing (with the exception of the T-shirts) and the clothing will be replaced if necessary.

Who supervises the apprentices at Magna?

There are seven full-time training supervisors at the vocational training center in Graz. At the Magna sites in Graz, Lannach, Albersdorf and Ilz there are also many authorized representatives for apprentices who supervise and train them.

How do apprentices get to Magna in Graz?

Within Graz, it’s possible to travel by public transport. Workers’ buses run from the outer districts to the factory gates. You can find suitable transport connections at:  www.verbundlinie.at 

Where is the vocational school?

The vocational school for electrical operating technology, information technology and application development is in Eibiswald; for mechatronics in Eibiswald and Mureck. For apprentices in the automotive technology professions the schools are located in Arnfels, for vehicle upholstery in Lilienfeld (Lower Austria) and for plastics technology in Steyr (Upper Austria). The vocational school for apprenticeships in process technology and materials engineering is in Knittelfeld, while the vocational school for all other apprenticeships is in Graz.

Is there also a boarding school there?

For the vocational schools in Graz, there is also the option of living in a boarding school. For the vocational schools outside of Graz, all apprentices under the age of 18 are required to live at the boarding school. The company pays the boarding school costs.

What happens after the apprenticeship?

After successfully completing their apprenticeship, our young skilled specialist workers have many options open to them. Skilled specialist workers are in demand at Magna internationally! Training and further education in the various specialist areas are also possible.

Does Magna offer internships abroad during the apprenticeship?

From the third year of the apprenticeship and after reaching the age of 18, there is the opportunity to do internships lasting several weeks in several European countries in order to gain valuable international experience.

Are there free-trial opportunities?

Yes! Because the best way to get to know a profession is to try it out. At Magna, you have the opportunity to get familiar with the apprenticeship program from the beginning of November to the end of June. Three to five free-trial days are arranged individually. You can find out which apprenticeships and which Magna companies offer free-trial days under the menu item “Try it out.”

Where can I find information about the “Apprenticeship with general qualification for university entrance” program?

“Apprenticeship with general qualification for university entrance” is a campaign by the Styrian Austrian state government. Information can be obtained from the training supervisors or at: www.lehremitmatura.steiermark.at/

How does Magna support the “Apprenticeship with general qualification for university entrance” program?

Apprenticeship with general qualification for university entrance is done basically in your free time. We provide support with information on the subject of apprenticeship with general qualification for university entrance, establish contact with the training providers and reward a positive college qualification in English with a one-off five additional days of vacation.

When is the application deadline for apprenticeships starting in September?

The application deadline for apprenticeships starting in September is at the end of March. If we have not filled all apprenticeship positions by then, the remaining vacancies will also be advertised on our website.

How can I apply?

You can apply online under the menu item “Apply now.” A video clearly explains how the application process works. Applications can only be submitted online; we cannot accept applications by email or in hard copy form for data protection reasons.