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Confidential information

is a valuable part of our

business and we are

obligated to safeguard it.


To report suspected violations of Magna’s Code of Conduct and Ethics,

visit The Good Business Line at

Q: I work in engineering and

during the course of my work

I have come up with a new

transmission design that I think

could be of interest to a few of

our automotive customers. Since

I came up with the design, can I

market it directly to them?

A: No, doing so would violate the

Code. Any intellectual property

you create as part of your job

belongs to Magna. In addition, the

design you developed during the

course of your employment and

using Magna resources provides

Magna with a valuable business

opportunity. You may not take

personal advantage of it without

seeking Magna’s approval.


and Corporate


As Magna employees, we must avoid situations where

our personal interests come into conflict with Magna’s

interests, or situations which give that impression.

For example, if you discover a business opportunity

because of your position, or through the use of

Magna’s property or information, you must not take

personal advantage of it. You must also refrain from

using Magna resources for your personal gain. You

must also never be involved in any activity that puts

you in competition with Magna.

Use of Confidential Information

Like any other asset, confidential information, which includes trade secrets and proprietary information

relating to us, our customers and suppliers, is a valuable part of our business and we are obligated to

safeguard it. Such information should not be shared with anyone outside Magna unless it is required by

law or for an authorized business purpose.

Q: What can I do to protect Magna’s confidential information?

A: There are many steps you can take to help Magna protect its confidential information. You should treat

confidential records and information with great care and not leave your electronic devices unattended

for long periods, especially during travel or business events. You should also avoid discussing Magna

business in public areas, for example on a crowded elevator or airplane.