Interior Sensing Systems

Magna’s Interior Sensing Systems combine advanced hardware development with a range of features and software services to provide a comprehensive solution for enhancing the interior functionality and passenger safety.
Interior Sensing Systems utilize sensors and cutting-edge technologies to detect and analyze the behaviors and conditions inside of a vehicle including driver attentiveness, seat occupancy, seatbelt usage, and vital signs. By continuously sensing these factors, the system enhances safety measures and alerts occupants of potential risks or emergencies.
Magna’s state-of-the-art driver monitoring system (DMS) utilizes our industry leading driver-facing camera to actively detect, predict, and reduce distracted driving through customizable alerts and notifications. Our system can evaluate a driver’s attention state, impairment level, and engagement level by accurately measuring eye and head position, initiating an alert or action when the driver is fatigued or distracted. The system can also identify the driver and automatically adjust various settings such as seat position, mirror angles, climate control, and audio preferences to create a personalized driving experience.
Our system incorporates advanced technology that can maintain driver attention in both manual and autonomous driving situations. A reliable analysis of the driver's state enables Magna to develop technologies that are critical for supporting highly autonomous driving functions with safe hands-off-wheel operation. Magna’s solution builds on traditional systems by adding face identification and expression recognition for human-machine interactive systems, which enhances driver/vehicle trust and allows tomorrow's vehicles to make better decisions for improved comfort and safety.
Driver monitoring is rapidly spreading across vehicle manufacturers who are launching level 2 and level 3 autonomous driving systems.
Customized Integration

- Distracted Driver Detection
- Drowsy Driver Detection
- Occupant Detection
- Child Presence Detection
- Occupant Classification
- Properly Worn Seatbelt Detection
- Child Seat Detection

Magna’s Impaired Driving Prevention Technology combines our advanced driver facing camera with a non-dispersive infrared ethanol sensor developed by our industry partner into a single safety system. The combined system supports a robust determination of a driver’s fitness to perform the driving task, including an assessment of their breath alcohol concentration, with the goal of reversing impaired driving trends.
The new safety technology determines if drivers are “fit to drive” in a fast, reliable, and affordable way. The integrated solution combines key elements of the interior sensing system, which utilizes camera technology to detect driver distraction, drowsiness, and intoxication through pupillary signals, with infrared sensor technology.
Cockpit-embedded sensors, placed in proximity to the driver, measure and quantify the alcohol and carbon dioxide levels in diluted exhalations from the driver. The technology is intended to passively detect an intoxicated driver with a blood alcohol concentration at or above the legal limit.

Interior Sensing Portfolio

Interior Facing Camera

DMS Camera Gen. 2